Saturday, March 2, 2013

White Girl Problems by Babe Walker

Babe Walker is how I imagine one of Paris Hilton's friends would be.  Really shallow, vapid, spoilt, brat-like.  Babe is in rehab, where she went after spending $246,893.50 in one afternoon of compulsive shopping.  When she has a fight with her therapist, she finally decides to get out all her problems - by writing these memoirs. 

What really drew me in was that Tori Spelling endorses this book.  On the cover.  Now ain't that something, maybe she identifies!

I am putting you off this book yet? No?  Good!

Because I reckon certainly if you like fashion, if you like reading celebrity gossip mags even a little, and if you can see the irony in all those celebs who strive so hard (think Posh Beckham, for e.g.) this book will be just the ticket for an awesomely relaxing read.  You know you're not like Babe (perhaps Tori does too, but Posh I think does not), and you know Babe is OTT with just about everything.  She is so self-centred, vain, unempathetic...but...somehow she avoids being too totally annoying.  By a whisker.  Maybe explained when her heritage is (finally) revealed in the final chapters.  Poor Babe.  No wonder she's like that with those problems.

Get a taster of Babe on her blog:

Title: White Girl Problems
Author: Babe Walker
Publisher: Hyperion, New York
Year: 2012