Friday, October 23, 2009

awesome video podcasting instructions!

awesome video podcasting instructions!

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..trying to find instructions on how to make a cool video podcast. I've decided to archive them on my blog as then they're easier to find...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

James Cook and the exploration of the Pacific

No, I can't have completely forgotten my interest in Pacific history! This link will take you to a museum in Bonn, which is currently holding a major Cook exhibition. The exhibits include a tapa waistcoat which Mrs Cook made for Captain Cook, but which he never got to wear. It usually lives at the State Library of NSW, and is embriodered with Tailor of Glouchester (sp?) seventeenth century style stitching. Beautiful. Wish I could go look!

Monday, September 21, 2009

web communities

As I said in the previous post, I'm on to the next assignment. It's not an easy one for me, as although I'm aware of technology, and am somewhat aware of the possibilities of technology, I'm a bit vague on the details. So I do rely on others to show me the way, and I learn heaps from reading other blogs and talking with people.
The following presentation is on Peoplepoints blog too, but I want to put it up because it really speaks to me about how online communities can benefit archives and museums.
It was delivered on 3/9/09 at the British Society of Archivists meeting by George Oates. (please follow Peoplepoints to get more info on George.)

Lastly, and unrelated, I'm adding this link to a post from the Maritime Museum blog, cos I'm in it! I had a lttle time earlier this year and managed to get down for a couple of days to help paint Breeze.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wonderland | Art | The Black Orchid - Auckland Museum New Zealand

Whew! I have mostly finished the assignments part moving on to assignment two, the "envirnmental scan". So tonight I've been looking online at technology possibilities for there are some very beautiful museum sites around. Here is a video from the Auckland War Memorial Museum siteWonderland | Art | The Black Orchid - Auckland Museum New Zealand The exhibition, on at the moment is called "Wonderland". Makes me want to go. Interestingly though, this museum doesn't seem to have a blog although you can subscibe to their email list.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

html how to

From my reading of the discussion board lately, it seems obvious that there are some people doing this paper who are experts in digital technolgies already; they speak of things which I've never heard of, like I'd never heard of CSS. (thank you Timothy for your explanation!)
I just live in hope that sometimes its just the terms used to explain things that are confusing, because when you actually come to do the tasks, maybe they don't seem that hard!
So, my next task is to learn some HTML and CSS.
I found a video on YouTube by this guy jimmyR - it is long, but I found quite helpful as you can see it happening and he covers some useful stuff, like CSS styles.
Here it is:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Can Kyle come fix my computer next?

Illness I could cope with, but illness and computer problems are a bit much. Kyle's solution to fixing the internet appeals to me in it simplicity. When I'm feeling more resilient, I will try a Kyle-ish means of fixing my trash heap computer. The moral of the entire story is, as far as i am concerned, KISS!

Simplicity is cool. Let's not make things harder than they need to be.

"Season 12 - Episode 6 "Over-Logging" After a huge internet blackout, kyle solves the problem by restarting the internet modem.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

joy of Audio Tech

I love this Digital Technologies paper! No more do I need to worry about wasting so much time on the 'puter, trying to figure things out, cos that's what its all about here - learning how to do stuff! I thought xml was somewhat funky last week. Today I spent the day feeling awful and flu-like, but having fun getting together an audio project using Audacity. I am hooked! Needless to say I handed it in, and NOW I find the treasure trove of YouTube vids about Audacity. These will be great for future reference though.
So here's one. It tells how to duck or fade music behind voice tracks, and how to use the envelope tool with elegance.